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Jon Bruner's Internet thing

A few days ago, I published an interactive map of American migration on Since then, it's become more popular than I could have possibly imagined. It's been shared 5,000 times on Facebook and written about in The Economist, three different New York Times blogs, three different Atlantic blogs, and basically the entire "-ist" franchise (Gothamist, Chicagoist, DCist, and so on)--plus 1,700 other blogs and publications of various sorts. To say I'm grateful for the... Continue →

Forbes published my new China Tracker interactive map last night. It's the first map I've made that involves animation, and it's also the first map that I've built from scratch using nothing but ActionScript and Python. Here's how I did it. Continue →

Of JFK Airport's many faults, which include Odyssian distance from Manhattan and staggering flight delays, none is quite as aggravating as the condition of Delta's terminal complex. Terminal 3, which opened in the 1960s as the Pan Am Worldport and managed to escape the following five decades with only minimal improvement, is now festooned with kite-like leak catchers that divert rainwater from the terminal's crumbling ceiling. Continue →

After a couple of years of declining traffic congestion (due first to rising gas prices and then to rising unemployment), traffic congestion seems to be coming back. Growth in economic activity and stimulus-related road construction projects are bringing more people onto the roads and then slowing them down. This brought out a minor tiff between two commenters on the article I wrote for Forbes on the subject. Continue →

Laurie Burkitt and I have put together a nifty Super Bowl ad viewer for Forbes. You can embed this viewer (for free!) in an article or blog post to display this year’s Super Bowl ads alongside your own content. No need to go through the colossal hassle of finding, compiling, and encoding the ads. We’ve done it for you because we at Forbes love you. Continue →